Have you ever had a friend, colleague, aunt, or mother-in-law get judgmental with you when they find out you invest in cosmetic treatments? Why do some people still see “aging gracefully” as a kind of moral high ground? And who decided that taking steps to look your best is any less “graceful” than deciding against it, anyway?
Merriam Webster defines the word “graceful” as follows: Displaying grace in form or action: pleasing or attractive in line, proportion, or movement. I’m not sure how neglecting your appearance as you age became synonymous with grace, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?
There’s certainly nothing wrong with choosing to let nature take its course, don’t get me wrong! But don’t tell me the same people who would shame your choices aren’t coloring their gray hair, buying eye creams and makeup, or on the hunt for that perfect pair of jeans; you know, the kind that lifts the booty or flattens the tummy…
The fact is, we all want to look good, and most of us are content to look just a bit more put together and refreshed. Perhaps those who would give you the side-eye assume you’re unhappy with yourself and seeking to totally change your appearance. Alternatively, they might secretly wish they could muster the courage to get the same kinds of treatments.
Plenty of well-meaning finger waggers still believe any cosmetic procedure will be obvious and leave you looking fake. After all, anytime they notice someone with "work," it appears a bit odd. It never occurs to them that they will never notice tastefully done cosmetic treatments. People see impeccably done enhancements more often than the conspicuous kind, but they’d never know it.
Subtle enhancements are the very definition of graceful. They’re an act of self-care and a form of self-expression. (regardless of what Aunt Hilda thinks).
Just remember, people who would be critical are usually misinformed. You don't have to justify how you choose to feel beautiful to anyone. Besides, when they see how great you look, they may just be begging to tag-a-long at your next appointment.
If enhancing your appearance comes from a place of self-love, that’s every bit as graceful as choosing to do nothing. And I challenge you to show me someone who isn’t doing something to feel more self-assured. Whether it’s straightening your hair, getting your nails done, plumping your pout, or smoothing your wrinkles, ain’t nobody got more grace than a confident woman.
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